You can add/remove a new user by going into your account settings.
Click on company profile and add/remove them by their email under team.
We offer many different types of support:
1. There are both written instructions with images and video instructions on how to complete the MPD Steps 1 through 5
2. Video Channel with Updates and Pro Tips
3. Help Chat Support Line
4. Series of Webinars
5. FAQ
The Help Chat Line
If you cannot find help in the above 5 ways mentioned please contact your Member Services Manager for additional help to schedule a 1 on 1 meeting
We do not use direct PDF printing as before. You can print out the Storyboard Report with the visible widgets. To make the MPD widget only visible just collapse all widgets in your MPD except the Member Performance Dashboard Widget. Then click Action Menu > Print. This will print out the MPD as it did before.
We put a very high priority on confidence and security of your sensitive information.
If a member shares the report to somebody else by the tokenized link, that person will have a read-only access limited by the opened widgets.
You are able to select the widgets you want to print, share or download within the MPD
First, hide all widgets by hovering on any widget header and click the eye icon and choose to Hide All Widgets
Second, unhide widgets one-by-one by clicking the widget you want to make visible
Third, use the Action menu at the top right upper corner of the MPD to Share URL, Print or Download as a PDF.
*** You can also print the MPD one pager in landscape format from the MPD one pager itself. The print icon is located in the upper right hand corner.
Click the Share button on the Family/Spouse and Leadership (Manager/Employee) Assessment Widget to copy the share link to your clipboard
Paste the link to emails and send it to your family members and to your team
10 assessments can be submitted
The tool sends you emails when submissions are received
The goal of the free text widget type is to let you include custom content in your report.
We allow you to embed third-party applications into your report. This way you are able to use the report as a document hub and link together different online tools to enhance your client communication and engagement activities.
If when you embed code it does not display, please let us know in the chat. It's possible we do not yet support that application but we can help troubleshoot it and add that support with your help.
Humanize IT offers a full MSP business communication platform of account management, vCIO, business development, and IT sales to help MSP businesses scale.
200, 1115 - 11th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0G5
©2020 Humanize IT Inc. All rights reserved.